— Search Engine Optimization Consultants -Internet Marketing, Top SEO Results, ThinkBIGSites is a full service internet marketing firm specializing in driving targeted web traffic through expert Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SSO) and Pay Per Click Bid Mgt strategies. --Got questions call for a Free consultation--480-507-0639 Or visit ----
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
or call Sandi Parker at 480-507-0639 for a Free site evaluation
Monday, December 27, 2010
Finding a Battery Store for All Your Battery Needs | Niche Volumes
These days, almost every gadget we have is powered by battery so it makes a whole lot of sense to find a battery store that you can trust and one that caters for every battery need that you may have. We need batteries for laptops, cell phones, motorcycles, camcorders, MP3 players and the list goes on. Each of these modern devices also require chargers and if needed, a replacement battery so that we can keep on using the devices we love and simply can’t live without.
Choose a battery store or company that has been in the battery industry for a number of years as they will have the knowledge to be able to assist you with exactly the type of motorcycle batteries that you need.
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Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
Thursday, December 23, 2010
5 Ways to “UN-Market” Your Way to Success on Twitter - Think Big Sites
Great tips from thinkbigsites
Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
SEO Organic Search -Why is it so Important?

What is organic search engine optimization and why is it so important for your online business? First let’s clarify something. There are two ways to increase website traffic to your site from the search engines: Organic search engine optimization and Pay Per Click Bid Management .
The first is SEO organic Search which is the method of achieving better search engine rankings with high quality and relevant material. The key is to implement organic SEO keywords and phrases in the site structure so that the Search engines bots and spiders sees your site as relevant and resourceful.
The second, paid search advertising is based, or Pay Per click, where you pay for your chosen keywords or phrases that will bring visitors to your site. If you are starting a new site and struggling to get some traffic, PPC advertising is a great place to start and will get you some immediate results while you wait for your site to get ranked organically using search engine Optimization.
But keep in mind that PPC big management can be very expensive and will only get you a 5th of the traffic that a page one organic ranking will get you. Some keywords require bidding of least $2 per click for your ad. Ouch! Added to that the bidding war is very time consuming
PPC mid management should always be an added solution to your internet marketing. Not the only method you use if you want to be successful and out-Sale your competitors! If you want higher rankings, without spending a fortune, you need to be ranked organically on all the major Search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
That is why organic search engine optimization so important. If you are planning to return for the next five years and want to be successful on the Internet without going broke, the solution is to get your site ranked organically using a Website Optimization firm that has a proven process of delivering QUICK LONG LASTING RESULTS such as ThinkBIGSites who is ranked as the 2nd Best SEO firm.
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Request the ThinkBIG White Paper or call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
Posted by Sandi Parker National Sales Director ThinkBIGSites. Direct: (480) 507-0639 at 10:08 AM ShareThis
Labels: Organic web traffic, Pay per Click Experts, search engine optimization, Seo organic search, Web traffic results
Feel free to call me anytime for any question you may have or to discuss getting started
Sandi Parker
National Business Development
Direct: (480) 507-0639
FAX: (480) 522-3500
Labels: Increase web traffic, internet marketing, more web traffic,
search engine optimization, SEO results, targeted web traffic,, top seo firm, web content, Pay Per click services,
industry leader in SEO PPC, search engine Optimization Consultants, thinkbigsites, sandi parker,video production

Capture Your Audience – Improve Website Traffic | Think Big Blog
Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
Monday, December 20, 2010
Does Google use data from social sites in ranking?
Google confirms that Social Media Links Influence SEO
The answer is Yes per Matt Cutts watch the video for a completeexplanation
Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Can Bing Take on Google With These New Features? | WebProNews
Are "likes" from your friends sprinkled into search results enough to get you to use Bing? Let us know.
Social (Facebook)
"Starting today, if your search results include a specific link that has also been 'liked' by someone in your Facebook network the link will be highlighted as 'Liked' within Bing," Microsoft's Bing team explains. "This gets especially interesting for a query like 'Xbox' where my friend 'Liked' the 'Kinect' site and while our algorithms didn't feel it was relevant enough to make it the 'answer' we reference above, we are still able to indicate that my friend liked that link that happened to show up within the results."
This will be one clear advantage that Bing has over Google in terms of regular web search. Google has done a lot involving delivering social results, but Facebook data are THE social results that matter most - at least as long as Facebook is the dominant social site that it is today. With people constantly "liking" content all over the web, this can be a great indicator of relevance on a personalized level. It's going to catch your attention when you notice your friend appear in the search results.
need SEO Results
Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
TBS Newsletter DEC 2010 Good to know in local Search
Good to know in local Search
Local Search Engine optimization,
The Importance of search engine optimization and marketing for local search continues to grow
TBS Newsletter DEC 2010 Good to know in local Search
Good to know in local Search
Local Search Engine optimization,
The Importance of search engine optimization and marketing for local search continues to grow
Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sandi Parker at - SparkerThinkBIG Blog Spot
SEO-Website Optimization Company
by ThinkBIGSites
My name is Sandi Parker From ThinkBIGSites And We can help you to achieve your online Goals When it comes to internet marketing, one thing you can count on is that everything can change and...
Contact Now
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Search engine optimization-Top SEO-create that bigger than life image
ThinkBIG is a company on the cutting edge of Internet Marketing Solutions; while other service providers often focus on one area of website optimization, TBS looks at the whole picture; pulling all of the pieces of the puzzle together to create an attractive, functional, and streamlined website with a solid online presence that delivers targeted web traffic and a significant return on investment (ROI)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Why You Need A Web Site Optimization Firm
In today’s business climate a lot of companies have pulled back on their advertising budgets. However if you have a online business in order to succeed and stay in the GameGame
You can view the video on You Tube – it has some really great information on the internet marketing industry as a whole
To learn more about ThinkBIGsites unique services, please contact Sandi Parker at any of the following:
Sandi Parker
National Business Development
Direct: (480) 507-0639
FAX: (480) 522-3500
Friday, December 3, 2010
Increase web traffic, internet marketing, more web traffic,search engine optimization, SEO results, targeted web traffic,, top seo firm, web content, Pay Per click services,
industry leader in SEO PPC, search engine Optimization Consultants, thinkbigsites, Sandi Parker,video production
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Google & Bing Are Looking at Links on Twitter & Facebook for Organic Ranking | WebProNews
It's become more and more clear over time that having a strong social presence is helpful in building a strong search presence for a variety of reasons, but it's not been so clear, just how the search engines have looked at things like Twitter and Facebook profiles when it comes to organic search ranking.