Friday, July 22, 2011

SEO Marketing -- If you want to play you have to get in the Game

What are you waiting for?

If you have a business, ESPECIALLY an online business, you need to get in to the SEO game NOW! Search engine optimization is something that all business’s with an online presence needs to be working on. Do you have strategy!? The reality is that in this day and age, everyone need a online marketing strategy, and if you are not taking measures to increase your visibility, you are going to be lost out In the webosphere and your poetical customer will not be bale to find you.

So what do you need to do? You need to make your presence known. Start a local business or blog within your business industry. Start blogging and ask fellow business associates to write about your company in exchange for you doing the same. Link exchanges can help! Start posting on local and industry blogs, leave comments and making sure to get your website link in the post. All of this will help increase web traffic.

Get Social -Start a Facebook page for your business. Invite your friends to ‘Like’ the page and start discussions. Twitter is another search-friendly tool. Start following people and businesses, and ask them to follow you back. Offer incentives to your customers to follow you and to repost your tweets. Create a YouTube channel, and create some videos of your business and your products and services that you offer, and some fun facts about your company. DO all of these things, and have them all start to link to one another and to your company website. Not only will this all help to increase your rankings, it will increase website traffic as well.

These are just some fun, social ways to get you in the game. If you are not sure how to do it, ask for help. Find a reputable website optimization firm that has a proven process to manage all of this for you and who will also provide SEO services and blog marketing.

Get Social with us!!


You Don't Have to Be BIG to Rank BIG,

You Just Have to ThinkBIG!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Making the Case For SEO in a Social Media World | SmallBusinessNewz

Making the Case For SEO in a Social Media World | SmallBusinessNewz
By Stoney deGeyter - Thu, 07/21/2011 - 9:06am.

here are many reasons why SEO should still be on the forefront of your online marketing efforts. I’ll make the case below, but before I do, I want to stress that I’m not trying to take anything away from Facebook, Google Places, Twitter or other social media efforts. I’m sure someone *cough@martijencough* could write a post titled “Making the Case for Social Media in an SEO World!”
view the full article .....

need help with yuor SEO
Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SEO Company-Top Organic Results-We Deliver-Sparkerthinkbig

SEO Company-Top Organic Results-We Deliver-Sparkerthinkbig
TOP Organic SEO and PPC Bid Mgt , Its not enough just to have a website. In order to increase your SALES you need to be visible on the worldwide Web--ABOVE your competitors, so that you capture the SALES!!

Important Statistic to understand is that search engine users believe that the top listings for a given term automatically denote the top companies/brands in the relevant industry. Therefore, a page one position not only sends your company more traffic, it upgrades the status of your brand as the preeminent authority in the minds of searchers.

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

SEO Company- Think BIG-Grow Faster --Top SEO Organic Results -Sparker

SEO Company- Think BIG-Grow Faster --Top SEO Organic Results -Sparker
Need help with Your SEO Call today
Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

Friday, July 15, 2011

Google Panda Update: The Solution for Recovery? | WebProNews

Google Panda Update: The Solution for Recovery? | WebProNews

Hubpages may be on to something

Many sites are still wondering how they can come back from being hit by the Google Panda update. Google has certainly stressed quality, and victims of the update have been striving to improve it, but have had little luck in terms of boosting their rankings for the most part.


Have you been able to recover any search traffic after being hit by the Panda update? Let us know.

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Motivating Salespeople: 62 Ways to Get Them Charged Up - Executive Business Briefings

Motivating Salespeople: 62 Ways to Get Them Charged Up - Executive Business Briefings
Motivating Salespeople: 62 Ways to Get Them Charged Up

To purchase this Executive Report on Motivating Salespeople: 62 Ways to Get Them Charged Up click here

Fast-read, actionable, and packed with invaluable strategies, these timely reports help executives and managers improve the performance of their organization.
Special Executive Report
Motivating Salespeople: 62 Ways to Get Them Charged Up

Motivated and engaged sales team drives sales like a freight train. The problem: 67% of salespeople feel little or no recognition for the work they put in according to a recent Gallup poll. Why you should care?

Companies with highly engaged employees enjoy 27% higher profits, 50% more sales and a 50% boost in buyer loyalty. Isn't that exactly what you want?

Read this exclusive executive report and fire up your salespeople to bring in more sales, more repeat business and higher profit margins.

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sandi Parker- ThinkBIGSites- TBS July newsletter-Search Results are About to Change with Google's +1


For more information contact: Sandi Parker 480-507-0639

or email

Ø July 2011 Newsletter

FREE Monthly Newsletter. This newsletter will help you keep abreast of current events and news relating to the internet marketing world that may help you stay one step ahead of your competition.

Inside this month newsletter you will find the following and much more


We hope you enjoy the information and we look forward to sending you next month's newsletter.

TOP SEO Organic Results with Think BIG --Organic SEO Video

At Think BIG, our SEO experts work diligently with our clients to get their websites first-page search engine rankings. Our Organic SEO process consists of three steps: keyword analysis, search engine optimization and strategic inbound linking. Together, these steps result in improved organic rankings on all the major search engines, particularly Google. ThinkBIG SEO methodology helps our clients to realize increased web traffic and consequentially more sales, revenue and profits.

You see, at we are devoted to:
Getting your website highly ranked on the major search engines. And, we do that by:

- Delivering an extensive Keyword Analysis designed to target phrases that will attract
buyers. NOT browsers!

- Making sure your website is properly optimized for maximum search engine visibility.

- Driving high quality links to your site on a regular basis. These links are the single most important component of
Google's Algorithm.

A properly optimized website will stand a much better chance of being highly ranked on Google.

Our company is 100% devoted to you and your needs!

Please call if you have any questions or to discuss getting started

Sandi Parker
National Business development

Think BIG
Office (480) 507-0639


Get Social with us!!

You Don't Have to Be BIG to Rank BIG,

You Just Have to ThinkBIG!

Sandi Parker at - SparkerThinkBIG Blog Spot: Zuckerberg closes off google+ account so he can't be tracked- The Inquirer

Zuckerberg closes off google+ account so he can't be tracked- The Inquirer

Zuckerberg closes off google+ account so he can't be tracked- The Inquirer

Facebook king values his own privacy, though not always others'
Wed Jul 13 2011, 11:30

POSSIBLE SOCIAL NETWORK FOUNDER Mark Zuckerberg has lost his lofty position as the most popular Google+ user and appears to have dropped out of the rankings altogether.

Zuckerberg was top of the Google+ ratings as late as Tuesday evening, and when we last looked had some 21,213 followers and 39 friends. Today he is nowhere to be seen and has been replaced by Robert Scoble, the man who confirmed to us all that this Zuckerberg was the real Zuckerberg.

"Name drop moment. Zuckerberg just texted me back. Says 'Why are people so surprised that I'd have a Google account?'," said the Scobleizer on his Twitter feed.

Zuckerberg's loss is Scoble's gain ironically, as it is him that now has the most friends, 3,645, and followers, 43,131. Next to him is US technology journalist, Leo Laporte, who has 389 friends and 42,875 followers. Digg founder Kevin Rose is in third place, actress and game designer Felicia Day is fourth, and Myspace's Tom, who is apparently enjoying his retirement, is fifth.

Other notable Google+'ers have also dropped out of the main rankings. These include Google staffers Larry Page, who had 14,798 followers and no friends last week, Vic Gundotra, Google SVP of social networking, who was in third place with 13,783, but no friends, and Sergey Brin who was fourth with 11,629 followers, no friends.

The changes were revealed on the Google+ account belonging to the Social Statistics compiler Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten. He explained that some Google+ members could no longer be tracked as they had further closed off their accounts on Tuesday. Interesting that Zuckerberg, the man so happy to gather and share so much of everyone else's data on Facebook, is suddenly so protective over his own.

"Mark Zuckerberg and Google management (Matt Cutts, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Vic Gundotra and Marissa Mayer) all changed their profiles overnight and consequently dropped out of the Google+ top 100 list!", he explained.

"Robert Scoble +Kevin Rose +Leo Laporte you guys are the new top 3 at [Socialstatistics] Zuckerberg and management at Google all gone. Congratulations!". µ

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Will Google+ Maim Twitter? | WebProNews

Will Google+ Maim Twitter? | WebProNews

Will Google+ Maim Twitter? | WebProNews

There’s been a great deal of talk about Google+ as a Facebook competitor, but how does Google+ stack up as a Twitter competitor? Some think Twitter should be more concerned than Facebook.

I don’t want to say Google+ will “kill” Twitter. Not a big fan of those “this thing will kill this thing” proclamations. Even MySpace still has millions of users. I think “maim” is a more appropriate word though. Google+ could very well damage Twitter’s momentum.

Do you think Google+ is a threat to Twitter? Comment here.

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
Top Organic SEO Results–Out Rank-Out-Sale your competitors-CALL FOR A FREE SEO consultation

Search engine optimization-Top SEO-create that bigger than life image
Think BIG is a company on the cutting edge of Internet Marketing Solutions; while other service providers often focus on one area of website optimization, TBS looks at the whole picture; pulling all of the pieces of the puzzle together to create an attractive, functional, and streamlined website with a solid online presence that delivers targeted web traffic and a significant return on investment (ROI).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Need more website traffic --check out the GOLD RUSH SPECIAL THINKBIG is offering


For more information contact: Sandi Parker 480-507-0639





We urge you all to take full advantage of this great offer & propel your business w/ ThinkBIG to the next level at light speed!

ONLY 30 Specials will be sold - MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR PIECE OF THE PIE!!

We will open the special Monday 7/11 & close it when we reach the 30th new account! CALL ME ASAP for details

The National GOLD Package: our most popular package


ThinkBIGsites (TBS) has an extensive track record of delivering proven, safe, fast and affordable results to businesses of all sizes and types. Our full line of scalable "Organic" SEO solutions are small enough to accommodate the local business owner and large enough to impress any Fortune 500 company. We think outside the box while conventional SEO firms continue to go by the "old book"; and while they may promise you the world, they often leave you with as little online web presence as having a "billboard on the moon." With our Organic SEO ThinkBIG gets Quick long lasting results!

TOP SEO Organic Results with Think BIG --Organic SEO Video

At Think BIG, our SEO experts work diligently with our clients to get their websites first-page search engine rankings. Our Organic SEO process consists of three steps: keyword analysis, search engine optimization and strategic inbound linking. Together, these steps result in improved organic rankings on all the major search engines, particularly Google. ThinkBIG SEO methodology helps our clients to realize increased web traffic and consequentially more sales, revenue and profits.

You see, at we are devoted to:
Getting your website highly ranked on the major search engines. And, we do that by:

- Delivering an extensive Keyword Analysis designed to target phrases that will attract
buyers. NOT browsers!

- Making sure your website is properly optimized for maximum search engine visibility.

- Driving high quality links to your site on a regular basis. These links are the single most important component of
Google's Algorithm.

A properly optimized website will stand a much better chance of being highly ranked on Google.

Our company is 100% devoted to you and your needs!

Thank you for your time

Please call if you have any questions or to discuss getting started

Have a great day


Sandi Parker
National Business development

Think BIG
Office (480) 507-0639


You Don't Have to Be BIG to Rank BIG,

You Just Have to ThinkBIG!

Image007 Image006

Why aren't the Google Toolbar PageRank values updated more often?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

TOP SEO results: Increase your visibility, profits and SALES!!

Sandi Parker National Business Development

Sandi Parker  National Business Development
ThinkBigSites Top SEO Organic and PPC Bid Mgt Firm. Increase your visibility, profits and SALES!! Our Search Engine Optimization Services and Pay Per Click Programs are designed to get you noticed in a BIG way! Our proven process will help brand your business as "the" preeminent authority within your market space. Request our free White Paper today

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper or call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639
Sandi Parker at - SparkerThinkBIG Blog Spot: How is my keyword's Quality Score used? - AdWords Help

Matt Cutts: Would you rather spend time with a perfectly optimized website or a barrel full of kittens?

Uploaded by on May 25, 2011
Would you rather spend time with a perfectly optimized website or a barrel full of kittens? What signals would the kittens give you that made them rank higher than the website in this decision?

Need SEO help: Call today for a FREE consultation

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper or call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639