Social Media + SEO = Social Search Optimization (SSO)
Our Social Media and SEO experts develop & design branded Facebook pages that get very "BIG" results!
Social networking is everywhere and growing faster than any other sector of the internet market. We all know that Facebook is the biggest player in the space with over 700 million users and growing. In fact, businesses from around the world are beginning to harness the power of social media marketing on Facebook at an astounding pace with a foreseeable growth rate that is simply off the charts. However, almost 70% of all searches are still done on Google with Bing and Yahoo making up most of the remaining 30%. So the question for almost every small and mid-sized business owner has always been, "How can I run an effective Social and SEO campaign simultaneously, without going broke"? Until NOW, no one has had the answer.
Introducing SSO
Our "SSO Campaigns" are a perfect fit for almost any type of business looking to establish and market themselves on Facebook and the major Search Engines at an affordable price. This proprietary approach is unique to ThinkBIG ONLY. Our team of search and social experts will hand craft custom SSO campaigns for each and every client. ThinkBIG is one of only a few agencies that has the advantage of working closely with a dedicated team within Facebook that is solely responsible for optimizing our client's social media campaigns. In addition to leveraging the team at Facebook, every ThinkBIG client is also assigned a dedicated account manager that is available 24/7 to ensure optimum results on a consistent basis.Tweet
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