Wednesday, October 24, 2012



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Friday, October 19, 2012

Google Announces Link Disavow Tool Webmaster


Here at ThinkBIGSites, we are experts in internet marketing and SEO services. So when Google makes all kinds of changes with their Panda and Penguin updates, we have a strategy to make sure our clients are still getting the quality web traffic they need.
But sometimes Google does things that just make no sense to us.  

So ThinkBIG, along with other industry leaders, opened a dialogue with Google, calling them out on their practices, especially in regards to penalizing sites for poor quality back-links they may not have any control over. We are happy to announce that Google listened to what we had to say, and they've implemented tools for webmasters to have more control over what counts and what can be disavowed. WE MADE THAT HAPPEN.  Check out the video below from Matt Cutts at Google

So the next time you are looking for an internet marketing agency, look for one that Google listens to. Look for ThinkBIGSites.
                      Affordable, Reliable, Professional 
                Every day hundreds of our clients are getting quality web traffic
                to their sites faster and with more stability than ever before.

And based on the fact that you can cancel at anytime your downside risk is minimal while your upside potential could be staggering
Check Out Our #1 Rankings on Google for Keywords:
  • More Web Traffic
  • SEO Results
  • Optimization Firm
  • Pay Per Click Traffic... And Over 500 More!
You Can't Argue With Results Like This!!

Matt Cutts explains the "Disavow links" feature of Google Webmaster Tools.
Learn more about how to use the disavow links feature on our blog and in our Help Center

Sandi Parker
National Business Development
ThinkBIG sites
Direct: (480) 507-0639

Labels: Increase web traffic, internet marketing, more web traffic,
search engine optimization, SEO results, targeted web traffic,,  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Official Panda Algorithm Update: 20th Version

Official Panda Algorithm Update: 20th Version

 Yesterday we broke the news that there was an other update that overlapped the EMD update that we had on friday targeting exact match domains.

Barry contacted Google for clarification
Here is the quote from Google:

Google began rolling out a new update of Panda on Thursday, 9/27. This is actually a Panda algorithm update, not just a data update. A lot of the most-visible differences went live Thursday 9/27, but the full rollout is baking into our index and that process will continue for another 3-4 days or so. This update affects about 2.4% of English queries to a degree that a regular user might notice, with a smaller impact in other languages (0.5% in French and Spanish, for example).

Need Top Expert SEO Services or advice contact:

Sandi Parker
National Business development
Think BIG
Office (480507-0639

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cheap Shoes, Fashion Boots, Women's Sandals, Womens Boots-at ShoeOcean

Cheap Shoes, Fashion Boots, Women's Sandals, Womens Boots-at ShoeOcean

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

Inspirational Quotes of the Month From ThinkBIGSites


    Inspirational Quotes of the Month

"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."

- Dale Carnegie

"When a person applies enthusiasm to their job, the job will itself become alive with exciting new possibilities."

- Norman Vincent Peale

ThinkBIG Proven SEO results - join in on the success! More Web Traffic

Request the ThinkBIG White Paper call today for a FREE site Evaluation 480-507-0639

Sandi Parker  
National Business development  
Think BIG
Office (480507-0639



You Don't Have to Be BIG to Rank BIG,

                                              You Just Have to ThinkBIG!



Tags: SEO organic Search, Web traffic results, Organic web traffic, Pay Per click experts, Social Media marketing

search engine optimization, website optimization, Internet Marketing consultants