Mobile websites: Yes or No?
A recent study has shown that 25 percent of all search clicks are made on a mobile device, such as a smartphone. 25 percent of anything is a lot, and in online marketing, to be able to increase web traffic and capture an additional 25 percent of your market seems like a no-brainer. So should you invest in a mobile website? The immediate answer may seem to be “yes”, but on closer inspection, the answer is probably more like “it depends”.
These days, smartphones are getting more and more powerful, and every six months or so, the standard screen size increases. With that said, most websites display just fine on a smartphone. The exception of course would be websites with a lot of flash or detailed amounts of information. In those instances a mobile site would be a benefit. So what kind of website do you have? If it is a simple site with a clean design and not overloaded with text, then chances are your site would look just fine on a smartphone. But if your site has a very intricate design with lots of information with an extensive navigation structure, then a mobile site would be a worthwhile expense. In the world of SEO services, and social media marketing, we all know there is quite a bit that goes in to the on-page optimization process. If you’ve done quite a bit of SEO work on your site, then a mobile site may be a great option for you as well.
25 percent is quite a lot to anyone looking for more website traffic, the mobile market may be something to look in to. Even with the amount of times we all tap something by mistake on our phone and end up going to a site we never intended on, it is still a large number that will only continue to grow as time goes on.
Contact me today to get your Site Mobile
Mobilize Your Website Today for ONLY $299
A Mobile Website is Essential in Today’s Market Place
ThinkBIG will create a red hot, customized version of your website to be easily viewed and navigated from all Smartphones and other mobile devices. Your new mobile site will pop with features like, “automatic click to call”, “auto sync”, “map and directions” etc… to increase your odds of converting each and every visitor.
Smartphone Optimization
A great mobile website can double or triple your online traffic and sales instantly! We will build your mobile site to be compatible with not only the most popular smartphones such as iPhone, Android, Windows 7 phones and Blackberry, but with the latest mobile browsers as well. Your mobile site is also guaranteed to appear properly on all HTML5 mobile phones. ThinkBIG is always one step ahead of the curve as the major manufacturers develop larger and larger screen sizes, your mobile site will always appear correctly.
Automatic Sync
When ThinkBIG builds your mobile site, it will automatically sync up with your main site to always reflect any changes made to the content, images and or text in real time. This feature ensures that your mobile visitors will always see the current version of your main website from their mobile devices. In fact, every time a visitor comes to your mobile site, ThinkBIG does a comprehensive search for any updates and then displays them immediately so your visitor doesn’t skip a beat! Auto sync is included in every mobile site we build.
Click to Call Button
A Click to Call button that jumps off your mobile home page is essential – Why? Because it will get your phones ringing off the hook. In one click, your customers can now instantly connect with your business in seconds. In fact, after 2 years of extensive research on hundreds of mobile sites, ThinkBIG has determined that the majority of folks who access a mobile website will then click to call that company. This of course, is exactly what every business needs.
Maps & Directions
Making it quicker and easier for people to find your business location is critical to your success. A simple click of the Maps and Directions button gives your mobile site visitors a map of your location. With the use of their Smartphone GPS, they will be given easy to follow directions leading them directly to your front door.
SMS Ready (Short Message Service)
Stay in touch with all your mobile site customers through short text messages designed to ensure that everyone who clicks this button will have your company information with them at all times. They’ll have your website URL, business name, phone number, street address and e-mail address all conveniently stored in their Smartphones for easy, future access.
Blogger and Wordpress Friendly
ThinkBIG’s mobile platform is strategically optimized to accommodate all blogs built on the most popular blogging platforms available today. We will develop and design an eye popping, customized version of your blog that will easily surpass the appearance of most standard or typical blog designs you’ve seen in the past.
To Increase Your Web Traffic and Sales, Call ThinkBIG NOW!
2. By 2013 more people will be using mobile phones than their PC’s to get online.
3. Mobile searches have increased by 400% since 2010.
4. 80% of people who access a mobile site are likely to convert.
5. 50% of mobile searches will lead to a purchase.
6. The number of mobile devices will equal the world’s population by 2015.
7. Not having a mobile site clearly helps your competitors.
8. 61% of folks say if they don’t see what they’re looking for immediately, they’ll move to another website.
9. Mobile users expect their mobile experience to be as good as their desktop experience.
10. If mobile users don’t like what they find, they are 5 times more likely to quickly abandon the task altogether.
Source – Google 2011-2012Contact :
Sandi Parker
National Business development
Think BIG
Office (480) 507-0639
You Don't Have to Be BIG to Rank BIG,
You Just Have to ThinkBIG!