(TBS) offers guidance in all facets of internet marketing in an effort to help our clients’ sites achieve more substantial and targeted web traffic. Just as with traditional marketing, not every method of online marketing is appropriate for every client. Each company has its own objectives and needs and the corresponding vehicle by which their goals can be achieved While one client may see a maximized return through search engine optimization, (SEO)another may see it through PPC management, and yet another through Social media At TBS we specialize as an internet marketing company and work on a case by case basis to examine the unique challenges of each of our clients and identify the marketing methods that make the most sense in terms of helping them reach their specified goals. Ours is not a cookie-cutter approach to online marketing; but rather a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy that will deliver sustainable results in terms of elevated online exposure, more effective branding of the company as well as its products and services, and a significant increase in targeted web traffic overall.
Our goal is not just to increase web traffic to our clients’ sites but to increase the number of potential buyers visiting the site which will result in a greater likelihood of converting visitors into customers. Through our proven marketing methodologies, the TBS team of internet marketing experts offers clients a variety of different avenues to achieve instant traffic to your website.
Proven SEO & PPC results is the only way to Out-Rank–Out-Sale your competitors
PPC Pay per click Management
Hal Varian - Chief Economist at Google explains Quality Score--
Introduction to the Google Ad Auction
Get Your Slice Of The Pay-Per-Click Pie!
A ThinkBIG pay per click traffic program offers you an effective, results driven way to hit the ground running in terms of building website traffic and enhancing the brand name awareness of your company. A Professional Pay-Per-Click Management company, like TBS, helps to manage the ins and outs of running successful pay per click campaigns – maximizing their effectiveness and handling all the details. Let us concentrate on the marketing strategies of your website so that you can concentrate on growing your business!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Results
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Results
At ThinkBIG we work diligently to help our clients get highly ranked “organically”. Our organic SEO services will result in high rankings on the major search engines especially Google, and in turn, will help clients to realize more web traffic which will generally result in more sales, revenue and profits. Solid SEO results will help you increase ROI and be viewed as one of the unequivocal leaders in your industry. Below is a snapshot of ThinkBIG clients whose SEO rankings moved up on Google, MSN & Yahoo in most cases under 90 days. ThinkBIG clients can expect their website rankings to attain high search engine stability within 3 to 6 months.
If you’d like more information, please contact your ThinkBIG representative.
Inside Business takes a look at Internet Marketing
For more information contact Sandi Parker at ThinkBIGsites 480-507-0639
National Business development

You Don't Have to Be BIG to Rank BIG,
You Just Have to ThinkBIG!
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