Sandi Parker 480-507-0639 www.thinkbigsites.com/sparker.html
When we talk about web traffic in terms of marketing, the goal is always to increase web site traffic. Web site owners have several objectives in establishing a successful online presence. The first is the web site itself – making sure that the design and content is in keeping with the company’s overall image and message as well as being attractive and interesting to visitors. Ultimately if you manage to get people on your site you want to keep them there. Once the web site is the best that it can be the goal then becomes to market the site appropriately so that it can actually be found by its intended audience. This is where quantity versus quality comes into play.
Web site owners may think that they simply want to increase web site traffic in terms of volume. But ultimately volume may not be enough if the visitors that come to the site are not in the market for what you have to offer. You want to make sure that you have quality visitors who come to your site; those who are interested in what you have to sell and are potential customers.
Quality web site traffic is a consideration for any good search engine optimization campaign. The point of SEO is to implement components such as keyword rich content and linking strategy in order to move the site up the search engine rankings. But the keywords that a SEO campaign uses also speak directly to those using the search engines. It is imperative that the keywords are in line with what will get the attention of the appropriate audience. It’s great to have more web site traffic but if that traffic does not include visitors who may want what you have, then you are surely missing a significant opportunity.
ThinkBIGSites Top SEO Organic and PPC Bid Mgt Firm. Increase your visibility, profits and SALES!! Our Search Engine Optimization Services and Pay Per Click Programs are designed to get you noticed in a BIG way! Our proven process will help brand your business as "the" preeminent authority within your market space.
At ThinkBIGsites.com our mission is to help our clients significantly
increase their profits, while serving them with the highest level of
Integrity, honesty, passion, and customer service available anywhere
In the world today
Request a free 2009 The TBS white papers
It is very interesting, informative information that all business should be aware of as to why your site needs to be optimized. And also explains our products and services
- Why so many website owners fail
- The secrets of some of the most successful websites on the internet
- How to get the web traffic you desire
- And so much more!
Knowledge is power
If nothing else, you’ll be better educated as to why search engine optimization is crucial to the success of your business
GOTO: http://www.thinkbigsites.com/sparker.html
ThinkBig will be featured on CNBC this month After many extensive interviews w/ ThinkBIG’s Managing Partner & creative genius, Marc Arner & other industry leaders, the producers at CNBC were very impressed with our expertise & industry knowledge so they chose Marc to be the featured guest on a new program called Inside Business hosted by Sen. Fred Thompson. This program will also run on CNN where Marc will be discussing Internet Marketing trends & much more. |
This is for those who didn't know!
ThinkBIG is now ranked on Page 1 of Google, 83 Times & ranked on Page 2 of Google, 90 times & these results are increasing every day!
Keep in mind, we only target approx 15 or so keywords right now, so the other 158 highly ranked phrases that now appear in Google's TOP 20 "Organic" listings are there based on the residual, collateral effect of our unique SEO program!! This is a rankings phenomenon that only ThinkBIG & our clients have realized!!
Better yet, watch how over the next few weeks & months this list continues to expand!
The "ThinkBIG Shift" is definitely on!! And we can do the same for you
The only question is: ARE YOU IN??
Feel free to call me any time to discuss getting started or if you have any further questions
Sandi Parker
National Sales Director
Direct -480-507-0639
Linkedin Professional Profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/sandiparker
Naymz: Repscore http://www.naymz.com/search/sandi/parker/2675722?preview=true
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