As those in the business of marketing our online presence we want what all web site owners and operators want – more web site traffic. To that end we hire a team of professionals – a web site optimization firm – to help us identify our specific marketing goals, or our audience, and the methods by which we will best position ourselves on the search engines to reach that audience. Whether you choose search engine optimization or pay per click – or a combination of both – online marketing requires a committed effort by all members of a team. This is all a part of branding a business.
Of course, getting people to your site is only half of the battle. Ultimately you want more business - more customers - and in order to make that happen you need to ensure that you are doing all that you can on your site to increase your odds of web traffic conversion. There are several things that should be put into place to optimize your chances of converting web site traffic and it begins with how you position yourself online:
• Choose smart keywords. Ultimately it will be the keywords that you choose that will determine if you are able to connect with the right audience. This is all about choosing keywords that are in line with what your intended audience is likely to use in a search for those products or services that you offer. Align yourself with the right keywords and you align yourself with your audience.
• Have a call to action on your site. Once you get your audience to your site you need to spur them to gather more information. Offer a click to call button or a special offer that they can take advantage of that very day.
• Make yourself available. Whether you offer instant chat to potential customers or a hotline for immediate answers to questions, you need to give your audience the ability to reach your team immediately. Don’t make them search for contact information. Make it easy and you have a better chance to take web site traffic and make them customers.
Sandi Parker
National Sales Director
Direct -480-507-0639
Linkedin Professional Profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/sandiparker
Naymz: Repscore http://www.naymz.com/search/sandi/parker/2675722?preview=true
Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/sparkerthinkbig
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