Search Engine OptimizationOrganic Search Results and PPC Bid MGT
Increase you’re visibility, profits and Sales !!!
With our Services at ThinkBIGSites
Call today for a FREE consultationTOP Organic SEO and PPC Bid Mgt , Its not enough just to have a website.
In order to increase your SALES you need to be visible on the worldwide Web--
ABOVE your competitors, so that you capture the SALES!!
Not only giving your potential customers what they want but also feeding
the Search Engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo's bots and spiders what they crave,
Relevant, resourceful, current and consistent content
Important Statistic to understand is that search engine users believe that
the top listings for a given Term automatically denote the top companies/brands
in the relevant industry.
Therefore, a page one Position not only sends your company more traffic,
it promotes the status of your brand as the preeminent Authority in the minds of searchers.
ITS A NECESSITY TO STAY IN THE GAME .If your website is not on page #1 of the search results, it might as well be
a Billboard on theMoon. Since 90% of users click on a listing on page one when
they search, and 62% click on a listing in the top three, if your site is not located
on the first page of the search results, only 10% of users might ever see it.
ThinkBigSites Top SEO Organic and PPC Bid Mgt Firm.
Our Search Engine Optimization Website Services and Pay Per Click Programs
are designed to get you noticed in a BIG way! Our proven process will help brand
your business as "the" preeminent authority within your market space. Giving you a solid online presence that delivers targeted web traffic and a significant
return on investment (ROI).
Organic SEO Methodology the Fact is We get 95% of our clients to page 1 organically On Google and the other Major Search engines within 90 days
For the
TOP KEY PHRASES that bring in the highest conversion rates
(ROI),And Our Expert Team we will
Optimize your website So that Google and the
other major search engines not only sees your Site as Search engine friendly
but also Relevant and Resourceful to increase your overall rankings
And on the PPC side of the house we typically increase ROI by about 15-30%
for our clients, working on a FLAT FEE basis, maintaining their current level of spend or less,
Many Business are surprised to find out that They are spending more for your their campaigns and getting less impression shares because of the penalties on their Quality score
To find out more Request a FREE PPC Demo Historically our clients are doubling and tripling their Sales!! and we can do the same for you !!!To learn more about ThinkBIG and how we can deliver TOP Page 1 Rankings for you and your business-View our Videos ON You tube and Request our FREE white paperView ALL our videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/sparkerthinkbig
For your Free White paper Contact: